
About Me

Hi! My name is Shala and I'm an aspiring craft goddess. Trying to learn as many crafts as I can and make as much as possible.
I live in Anchorage, AK with my husband, Michael Simbeck who doesn't blog often, and my teenagers.
We drink too much coffee, go to see live music regularly, and spend time trying to figure out how to use trash to create art. Our home is filled with ambient glitter that leaves traces on everyone who enters it, and we buy glue in bulk.

My email address is shala (at)
You can also send me a message on Yahoo IM at shalas_beads or on AIM at SKerri13.
You can also find me on Facebook,  Ravelry and Twitter and Good Reads.

I'm happy to take custom orders if I have the time and I think the art is something I can do. Will work for beads, vintage craft books and other craft supplies as well as for money. I *love* barter.