
Sunday, July 30, 2017

5th Amendment Coloring Page- Bill of Rights Series

5th Amendment to print and color- available in jpg and transparent png version. #Constitution #Patriotism #Homeschooling

5th in my Bill Of Rights series- it's the 5th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States to print and color! I hope you enjoy it.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Click the images below for larger versions to print and color.

Small jpg version:
5th Amendment to print and color- available in jpg and transparent png version. #Constitution #Patriotism #Homeschooling

Large transparent png version:
5th Amendment to print and color- available in jpg and transparent png version. #Constitution #Patriotism #Homeschooling

First Amendment to print and color.
Second Amendment to print and color.
Third Amendment to print and color.
Fourth Amendment to print and color.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Rainbow Gift Boxes

Printable rainbow boxes to make!

It's been a while since I've posted printable boxes. These are simple, but were a lot of fun to draw. I hope you enjoy them.

Click the images below for larger versions. Print on card stock, cut out, score folds, fold, glue.

2x2x2 inch cube box:
Printable rainbow boxes in 2 sizes- print on card stock and make. #Papercrafts #GiftBoxes

3x3x1 inch box:
Printable rainbow boxes in 2 sizes- print on card stock and make. #Papercrafts #GiftBoxes

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Blue Flower Purse (tutorial, not a pattern)

I'm trying to remember my exact stitches for making the purse, but to be honest, I love stitch techniques, but patterns mostly.. well.. I tend to make them up as I go, so this is actually more the technique like my dice bag.
I used worsted weight cotton and a size F hook for this, so the stitches are tight enough to not need lining. It's the same thing I use for all my tapestry crochet purses and I've used some of them for years. The rings are macrame/craft type rings, the bracelet sized ones. Yeah.. I use a lot of them, they cost a lot less then handles or bracelet forms. These things run around 40¢ each.
You will also need stitch markers. I used pieces of a contrasting yarn. 4 of them.
For a purse this size, I used a ball of yarn, a bigger purse will take more yarn, to felt it, you'd use a bigger hook and more yarn. Again, not really a pattern, more the technique.

Let's see.. if I recall correctly, I chained 16 and worked 2 single crochets in the second chain from the hook,stitch marker goes in the second sc, sc down side, and sc with stitch marker in the final chain, 2 sc in same chain, sc with stitch marker in same ch, then sc down the side, in the first chain you worked the first 2 stitches in, do on sc with a stitch marker, and then one final sc, slipstitch to join.
Chain 1,(does NOT count as first stitch) sc in same stitch, sc in next stitch,move marker and sc in same stitch, sc in same stitch. See? That's the corner and the increases. 3 sc in one stitch with the stitch marker in the middle sc. 
Crochet down the side to the stitch with the stitch marker and do the same 3 sc thing, moving the stitch marker, et cetra.. you can see where this is going right? 
So keep increasing rounds making a rectangle until it's the size you want, then do 5 rows plain, moving the stitch marker up each row so you can keep track of where your increases are, then in the 6th row, increase in those stitches and move the markers to the middle stitch in the 3 sc groupings. 5 rows plain, increase.
Of course if you want a more subtle angle, you would put in more rows, for a wider angle, less rows. If you keep them regular you will get a nice angled look. 
Keep going until it's the size you want. 
Flowers- (if you're curious. There are tons of flower patterns out there) chain 6, slipstitch to join, chain 2, dc, triple, dc, chain 2, slip stitch in ring, repeat 4 times, slipstitch to join to the stitch the chain 2 are coming out of, weave ends in. Contrasting color, chain 2 or use loop method, 6 sc in first ch, slipstitch to join, sew the flower on to the bag with the yarn end of the flower center.
Leaf- Chain 6, 2 sc in 2 ch from hook, dc in next 3 stitches, 2 sc, ch 3, sc in final ch, dc in next 3 stitches, 2 sc in final ch, slipstitch to join.

Easy Knit Kerchief Pattern

I'm a beginner at knitting, and I'm attempting to figure out my notes here. Please comment below if you see a mistake. If you're a beginner, I've linked the stitch abbreviation "glossary" to youtube videos. If you need help in casting on and casting off, check out the rest of The Knit Witch's videos. In the comments on the one for SSK someone asked how it was different from k2tog, this kerchief is an excellent example, because I tried just k2tog first, and it looked all wrong. It's the way the decreases lean, one half looked nicely knit, the other half the stitches looked twisted. 
I used size 8 needles,a size G crochet hook, and worsted weight cotton, Peaches & Creme in the Fiesta Ombre.
Cast on 4
K= knit P= purl yo= yarn over k2tog= knit 2 together ssk= slip, slip, knit
Row 1: k4
Row 2: k2, yo, k2
Row 3: k2, yo, k3
Row 4: k2, yo, k4
Row 5: k2, yo, k5
Row 6: k2, yo, k6
Row 7: k2, yo, k7
Row 8: k2, yo, k2, p2, k4
Row 9: k2, yo, k9
Row 10: k2, yo, k2, p4, k4
Row 11: k2, yo, k11
Row 12: k2, yo, k2, p6, k4
Row 13: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k6
Row 14: k2, yo, k2, p8, k4
Row 15: k2, yo, k5, yo,k2tog, yo, ssk, k6
Row 16: k2, yo, k2,p10,k4
Row 17: k2, yo, k5, yo,k2tog, k2, yo, ssk, k6
Row 18: k2, yo, k2, p12, k4
Row 19: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k4, yo, ssk, k6
Row 20: k2, yo, k2, p14, k4
Row 21: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, ssk, k6
Row 22: k2, yo, k2, p16, k4
Row 23: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k6
Row 24: k2, yo, k2, p18,k4
Row 25: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, skk, k2, yo, ssk, k6
Row 26: k2, yo, k2, p20,k4
Row 27: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2, yo, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k4, yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k6
Row 28: k2, yo, k2, p22, k4
Row 29: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k6
Row 30: k2, yo, k2, p24, k4
Row 31: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k2,yo,skk, k6
Row 32: k2, yo, k2, p26, k4
Row 33: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2,yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, ssk, k2,yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k6
Row 34: k2, yo, k2, p28, k4
Row 35: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k2,yo, ssk, k6
Row 36: k2, yo, k2,p30, k4
Row 37: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, k14, yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k6
Row 38: k2, yo, k2, p32, k4
Row 39: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog,yo, k2tog, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k6
Row 40: k2, yo, k2, p34, k4
Row 41: k2, yo, k5, yo, k26, k2tog, yo, ssk, k6
Row 42: k2, yo, k2, p36, k4
Row 43: k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, k6
Row 44: k2, yo, k2,p38 ,k4
Row 45: k2, yo, k45
Row 46: k2, yo, k46
Row 47: k2, yo, k47
Row 48: k2, yo, k48
Bind off, insert crochet hook into the last loop, and chain 60, then slip stitch back up the chain, and sc loosely along the sides of the triangle, not the long edge (or hypotenuse), when you reach the top of the other side, chain 60, slip stitch back up the chain, break off yarn, and weave in ends. The little image below shows where to do the crocheted edging.

I actually worked mine off a graph I drew. Here's two versions, the color-coded one I used, and a plain graph. Notice that the pattern has one more row then the graph.. that's because when I finished the graph, I decided I needed another row. On the color coding, salmon is purl, purple is yo, I left the k2tog white, but marked the ssk with green so I could count them easily.
And here's a blank graph if you want to design your own.

Bubble Necklace

Bubble Necklace

Size 10 crochet cotton
Size 7 hook
Tapestry needle
one of those bubble things for weddings I bought a box of 50, but hopefully you know people who might have them or who you can share them with, or if you want, you could make them for craft shows and the like.

Ch 2 or magic ring start.
Rnd 1: sc 6 times in first ch or magic ring, sl st to join.
Rnd 2: ch 1 (doesn't count as first stitch) 2 sc in each st, sl st to join (12 sts)
Rnd 3-4: ch 1 (doesn't count as first stitch) sc in each st, sl st to join (12 sts)
Rnd 5: ch 1(doesn't count as first stitch) sc in same stitch, *ch 3, skip stitch, sc in next st* repeat ** 4 more times, on the last loop, ch 1, dc in first sc (6 loops)
Rnd 6-20: ch 1 (doesn't count as first stitch), sc in loop, *ch 3, sc in next loop*, repeat ** 4 more times, ch 1, dc in first sc (6 loops)
Rnd 21: ch 1 (doesn't count as first stitch), sc in loop, ch 1, *sc in next loop, ch 1* repeat ** around, sl st to first sc (6 ch 1 spaces)
Rnd 22-23: ch 1 (doesn't count as first st), sc in each stitch and space around. sl st to join. (12 sts)

Chain a length long enough to slip over your head (or a child's head) easily, slip stitch to join on the other side, sl st back up the ch, sl st in starting st, break off and weave in ends. Put the bubble tube in it.

Monday, July 3, 2017

4th Amendment Coloring Page- Bill of Rights Series

4th Amendment coloring page

4th in my Bill Of Rights series- it's the 4th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States to print and color! I hope you enjoy it.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Click the images below for larger versions to print and color.

Small jpg version:
4th Amendment to print and color- available in jpg and transparent png version. #Constitution #Patriotism #Homeschooling

Large transparent png version:
4th Amendment to print and color- available in jpg and transparent png version. #Constitution #Patriotism #Homeschooling

First Amendment to print and color.
Second Amendment to print and color.
Third Amendment to print and color.