
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Printables Peas box

It has been a really busy week. Since it's all stuff I want to be doing, it's been fun too.
Here's a printable peas box- click on the image for the larger version, print on card stock, cut out, score folds, fold and glue! It might make a nice way to package a small gift for a gardening friend.

I'm currently working on animating a mandala video, the idea being that if it's on youtube, some people might find all the mandalas here that way! However, animating it it is taking a while. So far I have 13 seconds of animation which is about 153 frames. I'm planning to loop some of the frames, but it's still a very slow process.

Also the weather here has been glorious for Anchorage in April. So wonderful it threw my planting schedule right out the window. So I've been working in the yard and being eaten alive by mosquitoes. On the really good side, my strawberries which were late to make an appearance last year are popping up all over the yard. TATG and I opened the last jar of raspberry jam from last year and have been enjoying it. We also pruned my raspberries, said hi to the rhubarb which is starting to pop up and unfurl it's leaves, and started planting all the annuals. Like my sugar snap peas, which are doing twice as much as last year.

For everyone in a place that's seeing bad weather, my thoughts are with you. Stay safe, and I hope your loved ones are alright too.

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