
Friday, November 8, 2013

Goldfish mandala

So work on the paisley coloring book is going fantastically. I sent in the preliminary sketches and most of them are just fine. This one stretches the definition of paisley too much. But it's really, really nifty and I wanted to share it with all of you.

Click on the images below for larger version to print and color-

small jpg version:

large transparent png version:


  1. Hi! I love your blog and I'm so glad I discovered it. I cannot draw but I love filling in colours as it is so therapeutic. Thank you for providing such amazing designs in high res without expecting anything in return. Will refer others to your blog as much as I can. Thank you so much once again! Good luck and best wishes from India.

  2. thank you for another lovely excuse to get the pens out and not do the housework :)

  3. Great design, Shala! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. Thank you for this great artwork to color!


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