
Thursday, August 8, 2013

When it rains, it molds- Allergy Face™ tips from Zyrtec®

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Zyrtec for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

My daughter and I both suffer from allergies. In her case, it's pollen. The kind of pollen that becomes a problem when everything is in bloom and we are doing a lot of outdoor activities on warm summer days. A slight breeze causes a lot of sneezing and sniffling.

For me,it's mold. A breezy evening after a few days of gentle rain and I'm wrecked. My eyes redden and tear up, I sneeze. Then I can't see, and my glasses are usually a mess from trying to wipe my eyes without taking them off. 

Taking Zyrtec before it becomes an issue works well, but if it snuck up on you, Zyrtec also works fast. That's why we use it. We can take it, then go out bird watching, hiking or just taking care of the garden. Zyrtec helps you feel better, but they also have great allergy face beauty tips to help you look better. 

This infographic shows some of the things people do to cover up their Allergy Face. I have a pair of prescription sunglasses I'll wear even on dark fall nights! Once I'm not tearing up, and recovering from the sneezing, etc, a coat of black mascara on my top lashes only helps my eyes look a bit more open. My daughter goes with letting her hair fall over her face to cover her red nose when she's been sneezing. 

What do you do to help cover up or deal with allergy face? Any go-to tips? Leave a comment, I want your ideas!

Next time I'm going to try these beauty tips! I like the idea of the black and gold eyeliner, and I think I'll need it for the State Fair this year. My husband and I get to meet one of the bands playing.

Check out Zyrtec on Facebook for more ideas and information on dealing with allergies.



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