
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Vintage Inspired Crafts- Felt Ball Ornament Project

This super simple ornament is one that my son said was "Pretty cool". It was inspired by a paper ornament in Christmas Crafts for Everyone by Evelyn Coskey published in 1976.
This is the original project. Click on images to enlarge.

The original project calls for 9 layers of paper, however, felt is thicker than paper. 4 wound up being perfect.

To make the ornament, you'll need:
green craft felt
red craft felt
yellow 6 strand embroidery floss
Tapestry needle
something round to trace circles
pen to mark felt

I used a bottle that was 2 inches in diameter.
Mark 2 circles on each color felt and cut out. Thread needle with 3 strands of floss. Stack them in alternating colors and stitch a line down the middle. 

Match one green edge to a red edge, and blanket stitch through both layers to a 1/4 down the length (the length being just that circle half, so 1/8th of the circle), then blanket stitch through one layer only until you're a 1/4 of the length away from the bottom. Match the circle half from the other side to the layer you're stitching, and sew through both layers to the bottom. Continue around, then after all the segments are made, weave your needle through the stitches, being very careful not to pull, or just stitch back through the stitches, and finish the stitched edges. Knot off and hide knot and thread in center seam. 
Cut another length of floss and thread needle with it. Put through the top of the ornament and tie in a loop.

Here's the cover of the book if you're interested. My copy is a library discard. It distresses me that libraries discard such books, but I'm happy to give them a home!

1 comment:

  1. What a shame that they threw out a book like that. Very cool project though, thank you for sharing.


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