
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Showers Mandala Coloring Page

I'm not even going to admit how long this took to draw. Even using a graphics program.
But I do like how it turned out. The coloring page is in 100 dpi. Click on the images to see the larger versions. I uploaded the colored version at 150 dpi.

I will be putting this on a box tomorrow. 


  1. holy moly! this is terrific!
    I can't even imagine how long it took. thank you very much!
    I'm addicted to rainbows and at present inundated with April showers. And I get so down when it's dreary day after day so this picture is great to remind me that the rain will end and be totally worth it :-)

  2. Thank you Liberty! I'm glad you like it. It was a lot of fun to draw, just took a lot longer than planned. :)

  3. Lovely design, Shala, and so appropriate for spring weather! Thanks for sharing!


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