I finished my how to make basic brick stitch earrings e-book! Lots of fun. I got the coding done easily enough including a clickable TOC which my
bread book doesn't have (I need to fix that now that I know how!). I made mistakes uploading it though and had to correct those, which delayed my announcement. But it's all up and live now and I've bought a copy myself so I could see exactly how my graphics looked on my Kindle. They are very clear, and the patterns take up the full screen of my Kindle 2 so you could bead straight off the screen. You can buy the e-book
here. I haven't made up a PDF version yet.

This is the pattern from the cover. Since it's only 2 colors, it shows up very well in the e-ink tech.
Still to do today:
Working on a pair of earrings I'll post next week on
Beadwork at Bellaonline and review a really wonderful bead book.
Dinner tonight will be
pizza quesadillas. My back hurts pretty badly from everything we did yesterday.
I think I also want to write a tutorial on writing Kindle books for people like me who only have very basic HTML skills, but like a lot of my ideas, it's on a list for now of things I might do in the future.
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